The most effective way to build

Build anything with our subscription based software development. Cost-effective, flexible, fast, problems-free.
Pause or cancel anytime.

Using top technologies

Scalable, robust, modern, fast, cost-effective, secure...

Amazon Web ServicesTailwind CSSNext.jsVercelStripeAmazon DynamoDBAWS LambdaAuth0FigmaNotionTypeScriptBunGitHubOpenAICloudflareGoogle AnalyticsGrafanaPythonFirebaseDockerSocket.ioD3.jsshadcn/uiRadix UIAmazon EC2Amazon S3GSAPAmazon Simple Email ServiceMongoDBServerlessReactNode.jsMicrosoft SharePointPostHog
Amazon Web ServicesTailwind CSSNext.jsVercelStripeAmazon DynamoDBAWS LambdaAuth0FigmaNotionTypeScriptBunGitHubOpenAICloudflareGoogle AnalyticsGrafanaPythonFirebaseDockerSocket.ioD3.jsshadcn/uiRadix UIAmazon EC2Amazon S3GSAPAmazon Simple Email ServiceMongoDBServerlessReactNode.jsMicrosoft SharePointPostHog

We build your ideas from scratch, help you improve your business, speed up the development of your projects and much more


Improve your website's competitiveness by having a modern design to enhance user experience and make it stand out.

Modern websites descriptive image


Have you got an idea for a software that solves a problem? We build it for you so you can monetize it ASAP.

SaaS descriptive image

internal tools

Include in your business new internal tools designed to streamline processes and boost your productivity.

Tools descriptive image

any project

A/B testing, R&D, AI driven software, marketplaces, e-commerce, dashboards, automations, data collection... just let us know!

All you want descriptive image

The methodology

You have the ideas, we make them real.

We put our experience, our hearts and our keyboards on each project so we help you become a success story. This is how working with our software factory works: β†’

Get Started

Kick off your project by submitting some basic information about it. After a small review, you will get access to a view-only development dashboard with an initial structure and proposal for free, with no comitment. Ready to advance? Activate your subscription and watch your concept come to life!

or see plans.


After joining us, you will get instant access to a dashboard where you will be asked to answer some key questions so we can design an iterative execution plan in an efficient way following your prorities and our experience. A one hour exercise that will set your project up several weeks ahead.

Iterative development

Within the first week, your project will start taking shape, yay! You will be able to monitor and follow the updates and progress of the current features being developed and schedule new ones.

. . .

What happens if

the software is ready


you don't have more feature requests


you want to focus on marketing


you want to hire a $5/h developer

Then you are free to pause or cancel your subscription!

...but we know you'll love the ease with which you can keep building with us ❀️

. . .

Everything with a focus on... growth!

From the first moment, we become your growth buddies 🀝.

choose what best fits you

Flexible plans

You can upgrade, downgrade, pause or cancel at anytime


Ideal for non-complex projects, works great for simple software.

  • All requests you want
  • One feature at a time
  • Average 72-hour delivery
  • Full development cycle
  • Upgrade, pause or cancel anytime
  • You own the code
  • Active mantainance
  • Complex integrations and algorithms
  • Multiple projects


Ideal for feature-rich projects. We take care of everything.

  • All requests you want
  • Double the features
  • Average 48-hour delivery
  • Full development cycle
  • Upgrade, pause or cancel anytime
  • You own the code
  • Active mantainance
  • Complex integrations and algorithms
  • Multiple projects


Ideal if you have a clear idea of what do you want to build. Full MVP development.

  • All requests you want
  • Full time development
  • MVP delivery in one month
  • Full development cycle
  • Upgrade, pause or cancel anytime
  • You own the code
  • Active mantainance
  • Complex integrations and algorithms
  • Multiple projects

Do you have any question? Contact us at

β€œIt's like having a team of experts available for you with a fraction of the cost”



Not flexible πŸ‘Ž

Too expensive πŸ‘Ž

Pay for meetings πŸ‘Ž

No fast iterations πŸ‘Ž

In-House devs

Logistical nightmare πŸ‘Ž

Too expensive πŸ‘Ž

Active recruiting πŸ‘Ž

Not for starters πŸ‘Ž


Too cheap πŸ‘Ž

Too expensive πŸ‘Ž

Micromanagment πŸ‘Ž

Not predictable πŸ‘Ž


No progress πŸ‘Ž

No oportunities πŸ‘Ž

Mentaly stuck πŸ‘Ž

Inefficient work πŸ‘Ž

Frequent Asked Questions